Pierce CD seeks Data Technician for GIS and CRM programs, January 12, 2021

Pierce Conservation District (PCD) is seeking a Data Technician to assist in the coordination of data management for the District’s GIS and CRM Programs. This is a part-time, non-permanent contract position that will work within the Program Support team, performing basic quality checks and publishing of GIS and CRM data, as well as assisting the GIS Program Manager in utilizing GIS data for quantitative analysis, map publishing, and supporting District programs with other basic technical support services.
About the Pierce Conservation District
Pierce Conservation District is government that works. We work strategically and passionately to conserve and restore the natural resources of Pierce County. Our work improves both rural and urban communities to benefit the health and well-being of our citizens. We work in five core program areas: Farm Assistance, Water Quality Improvement, Habitat Restoration, Urban Agriculture, and Environmental Education. The District works for clean water, healthy soil, salmon recovery and local food access for all. When you join the Pierce Conservation District staff, you join a team of talented and committed people who are mission-driven and care deeply about improving our environment and our community.
For more information
This position is open until filled. Find more information about this opportunity here.